
Through the study of English, literature and language enrich lives and help form connections.  The study, use and enjoyment of language and literature in a variety of text forms enables us to  access the thoughts and perspectives of others, to walk in different worlds, to develop empathy and to make linguistic and cultural connections.

All courses of English at Wesley College offer students the opportunity to:
1. Engage with and enjoy language in all its varieties.
2. Understand, respond to, and use oral, written and visual language effectively in a range of contexts.
3. Develop control over the processes associated with using and responding to English language purposefully and effectively through, reading, writing speaking, listening, viewing and presenting.
4. Develop an understanding of the grammar and conventions of English.
5. Respond personally to and think critically about a range of texts, including literary texts.
6. Use language skills to identify information needs, find, use, and communicate information.
7. Acquire the necessary standards to meet both Level 1 NCEA and the University Entrance Literacy requirements.