Wesley College Wesley College

Year 10 Technology Hard Materials

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr D. La Trobe.

What is Technology?

Technology is intervention by design. It uses intellectual and practical resources to create technological outcomes, which expand human possibilities by addressing needs and realising opportunities.

Technology makes enterprising use of knowledge, skills and practices for exploration and communication, some specific to areas within technology and some from other disciplines. These include digitally-aided design, programming, software development, various forms of technological modelling, and visual literacy – the ability to make sense of images and the ability to make images that make sense.

What is Hard Materials?

In Year 10, students have the opportunity to select Hard Materials for one, 10-week term term studying Digital Technology.  They are taught knowledge and skills through project work which enables them to follow a predetermined process to design, develop, store, test and evaluate digital content to address a given issue. Throughout this process, students look at social and end-user considerations. They begin to gain independence in  decomposing a computational problem into an algorithm which could possibly be used to create a program incorporating inputs, outputs, sequence, selection and iteration. They begin to understand the role of systems in managing digital devices, security and application software. Students learn to apply file management conventions using a range of storage devices.

Year 10 Hard Materials Technology focuses on the design of products and systems. Using sketching, modelling and computer design skills, students will develop their own designs to solve a range of problems. Students then use resistant materials - in this case wood, to develop and construct their own designs. 

Technology projects involve a high level of collaboration between students, and aim to solve real-world problems where possible. Students will aim to complete at least one project during the 10 -week term.

Learning Areas:



Year 11 Carpentry

Career Pathways

Collision Repair Technician, Automotive Electrician, Automotive Technician, Automotive Refinisher, Boat Builder, Naval Architect, Fabrication Engineer, Building Contractor, Building and Construction Labourer, Building and Construction Manager, Cabinet Maker, Carpenter, Coachbuilder/Trimmer, Stonemason, Furniture Finisher, Joiner